jeudi 3 mars 2011

Top TEN Ways- We CAN Save the Earth

In our last discussion we came face-to-face to the facts that how we pollute the earth. Today we’ll ponder over some viable options that can be adopted by us in our everyday lives that will in some way or the other save the earth from the coming destruction. Our small deeds are definitely invisible in this enormous world of 6 billion people, but it’ll pay. It is rightfully said “we have not inherited the earth from our forefathers, but we have borrowed it from our children”. Come to think of this line, there are many interpretations for this. Each of them is pointing to only fact. The earth is dying and we are the cause.
The earth is living organism. If we chase the world earth around the world, we’ll see that our ancestors have always respected it. Sometimes in the form of mother, mother land, a living organism, a goddess of countless resources, a beautiful lady and now by our efforts, an ailing patient. The vital signs of earth like her heartbeat (the natural hymns), her blood pressure (the sea level and oceans), her breathing rate (the air and atmosphere), they all are in dire state.
Our efforts though will not cease the damage that is being done every second, but drops itself make and lake, a sea, an ocean. Let’s see what can be done immediately for our mother-
  1. The industries cannot be closed down. We have to find some other ways in which the pollution emitted by them be decreased and possibly the smoke thrown in air be filtered and the poisonous gases be transformed into useful material.
  2. The scientists should get to work. They have to find other options of using those gases, which emit no pollution and are eco friendly. They have to find ways to dump gases or store them in a proper way.
  3. Trees: They are one of the greatest recyclers of nature. Their most awesome feature is that they use carbon di oxide, one of the major greenhouse gases, to produce oxygen, a very desperately needed gas. All these make plants the most fantastic creation of god and nature.
  4. Go Green: Plants exhibit green color for many known and unknown reason. Green is the color of vitality, beauty and growth. It is a healthy color and promotes good energy in every atom if earth. Go for green organic vegetables, green fields, and green houses and green everywhere.
  5. Animals: Please convert into a healthy non-veg eater. Those who are craving for a shark fin or a tiger paw should understand that their desire for such animals is destroying the natural food chain and altering the courses of nature. Go for chicken that is reared exclusively for eating.
  6. The Electricity Bill: you thought that the heavy electricity bill is only paying you revenge? The wastage of useful energy like electricity will not play havoc to your bank balance but also the earth balance. All the coal burnt and other resources used for generating electricity are leaving the earth hollow day after day. The intensity of wastage and the enormity of resource usage cannot be understood unless seen with one’s own eyes. Save electricity. A unit saved is saving the earth a day.
  7. Some components like CFCs (Chloro Floro Carbons) deplete the ozone (O3) layer of earth. The oxygen in this state is very unstable and it quickly reacts with such compounds depleting this essential cover. We need to curb their usage and have to research upon other substitutes that are eco friendly.
  8. Use of eco-friendly fuel, which can be renewed like solar energy and wind energy, has to be made commercial as soon as possible. The use of resources like coal and natural oil is depleting the mineral reserves of earth and the natural orientation and strength of earth is weakening. We need to have efficient new energy resources which do not suck earth’s soul.
  9. Recycle: the key to saving earth without having to compromise completely on the modern day lifestyle is recycling. Recycling paper, plastic, fuel, waste and other things save you from running out of energy resources. Sustainable development is an issue of hot debate for today’s generation and recycling forms an integral part of it.
  10. Peace: the world needs to be at peace. The countries and states need to join hands. The leaders of all the communities have to work together in order to save the whole world. The earth is not a planet with different landmasses but it is a global village where we all have different roles to play and have different contributions to the being of earth.
The world is at unrest. It needs to curb its anger and stop blaming each other. It’s time that we should join ourselves through different methods and areas and start working for it together because the earth is our home. We have only one known home. We cannot go anywhere else. If we can’t save our own home from destruction, we have no right to be here. It’s now or never.

1 commentaire:

  1. Great Post, I thought you might like my machinima film The Tree Of Life,
    which features the Green Man as Guardian Of The Sacred Tree of Life,
    Bright Blessings ~
